Students, submit a poster about your computing research, outreach, and service contributions! 
Initial poster submissions require a project title and abstract (max of 250 words) summarizing the primary objectives and outcomes. For poster presentations that are meant to be delivered by groups, please submit ONE application for the project at large and use the application fields to account for multiple authors as necessary. Finally, feel free to provide or select any keywords to categorize your submission.
Decisions will be made on a rolling basis; the latest you will receive a decision notification will be approximately two weeks following the October 9th, 2020 deadline. Upon acceptance, authors will later be prompted to provide
1) their poster in digital format,
2) a short video/powerpoint presentation with an added voice over, and
3) confirmation of availability for a live (virtual) Q&A at the time of the poster session on November 6th, 2020.  
These, along with further details (e.g., formating, accepted files, etc.) are tentative and TBA. 
We look forward to celebrating your advancements in computing and BPC initiatives!

If you do not have an account, you will be required to make one.
Check out some examples of posters that have been submitted in the past: